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Turn Your Stories Into GOLD! – Community Call with Bruce Wade

Speakers use stories to enhance their take-home messages, but a well-structured and delivered story that ticks all the right psychological, emotional, and sales boxes will boost your keynote to new heights. 

In this community call, meet Bruce Wade, Master Story Engineer, professional speaker, coach, and author of numerous books on entrepreneurial system thinking and strategy development. In this session, Bruce will walk you through the various strategic frameworks of crafting your best stories. 

The 7th Principle of Sustainable Innovation states: ‘Learn to script, tell and live your story’. Speakers who deliver compelling stories are remembered, repeated, and referred. In this session, you will learn how best to script your next strategic story to not only enhance your keynote but wow your audience towards your desired goal. 

If you want to discover how Bruce scripts and delivers his master stories, then this HeartPowered Speaking community call is for you. Bruce will share his personal experiences on how you…

⭐ Select the right story for your keynote
⭐ Script your story for maximum effect
⭐ Select the right characters to include in your story
⭐ Build the required emotional curve
⭐ Deliver your story for impact

You want to know more about Bruce upfront? Here you go…

Bruce Wade

Bruce Wade, a Master of Strategy, works with his global base of clients from his home base in Cape Town, on issues of sustainability, innovation and profitability. Purposeful and driven, Bruce brings his huge heart and passion for the capability growth of both individuals and communities to those he works with. His models and frameworks based on his 7 Principles of Sustainable Innovation, are agile, adaptable and laser-focused on the issues at hand.

Bruce is a professional speaker, coach, author and co-author of numerous books on entrepreneurial system thinking and strategy development. He served as President of the Professional Speaking Association of Southern Africa and sits on a committee at the Cape Chamber of Commerce.

Bruce is a company founder and director at EM Solutions, Gallant Accounting, Voices into Africa, and Sustainable African Strategies. Through these businesses, they provide strategic consulting, coaching, accompaniment and advisory to both business and non-profit sectors, with a specific focus on sustainable strategy creation and implementation.


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You are ready to speak up, scale up and make a bigger impact? But you’re not sure what steps to take next, right?  

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