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TOP-3 Business Growth secrets – interview with Isabella Lenarduzzi

All entrepreneurs have a different approach to their success. We develop uor businesses in unique ways, but still there are some common tips which make it work. Building a business or working in a corporate world can be demanding not only because we have to conctantly act, but also because we, men and women, are expected to take on ourselvese certain roles.

Today we welcome Isabella Lenarduzzi. She is a key opinion leader in gender equality, diversity and inclusion. She has been a social entrepreneur for 35 years and she is internationally recognized as the founder of JUMP, the leading social enterprise working with organizations and individuals to close the gap between women and men at work, achieve sustainable corporate performance and create a more equal society. JUMP operates all over Europe and is based in Brussels and in Paris.

Discover with us:

— The top three initiatives you can implement to take your business to the next level
— How you reinvent networking to build stronger business relationships in digital times
— How to digitalize your previous live events and speaking
— How even busy moms get their focused working time to further grow their business
— How you keep your healthy balance between work and fun, online and live
— How not expecting anything in return can benefit you the most
— Habits you can implement to not only become, but also stay a strong woman

Let’s dive in right now!


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You are ready to speak up, scale up and make a bigger impact? But you’re not sure what steps to take next, right?  

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