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Media power – Get media savvy to maximize your exposure – interview with Geeta Sidhu-Robb

Nobody becomes actively public in the media by accident. It’s really important to understand what the media is looking for and check if you can provide it. And if you can’t just yet, get ready first. You don’t want to burn your reputation. Whatever you do in media will be remembered forever. In this session, you discover how you get ready to trigger interest with media, how you make a real impact and get the results you want with every media appearance, and how you secure many media appearances that maximize your exposure.

Meet Geeta Sidhu-Robb, media star, international speaker, founder of Nosh Detox and passionate campaigner for social and democratic change.

In this session, Geeta shares with you her greatest methods and experiences on how you can boost your reputation and impact through media. 
She’ll especially dive into how you…

— Trigger media attention by standing out
— Become a TV guest and be truly interesting, again and again
— Use your feminine power whether you are a man or a woman
— Tell your story in 5 words or less that make a real impact
— Harvest from your media appearances to get the results you want

You want to know more about Geeta upfront? Here you go…

Geeta Sidhu-Robb

Her motto is “Change is inevitable, suffering is optional. Anything is possible. If you can see it, you can do it; if you can dream it, you can make it happen.”

She re-trained from a lawyer to a health & wellness coach for successful professional women. Her coaching clients describe working with her as ‘transformational & life-changing and credit her coaching with helping them get promotions, double revenue, manage successful IPOs and launch massive company growth.

Geeta is a 5-time winner of the Entrepreneur and Businesswoman of the year award. Geeta has built a formidable reputation for success in the health and nutrition industry. After her son was born with severe food allergies, eczema, asthma and anaphylaxis, Geeta had the courage to leave behind her career as a solicitor and start her own business, Nosh Detox, in order to make a positive difference in the lives of thousands of others suffering from similar ailments.

As a director of the Open Britain Campaign, Geeta has played a pivotal role in the largest cross-party grassroots movement of recent times campaigning for a democratic final say on the Brexit deal for the people of this country. Most recently Geeta has taken on the role of Chair and has been instrumental in building Open Britain’s new campaign ‘Democracy Unleashed’ which aims to re-energize our democracy and make it fit for the 21st Century.


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