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How to write and publish your own bestselling book – interview with Wendy H. Jones

They say that everyone has a book inside them, and I would have to one hundred percent agree. Where most potential writers struggle is bringing it from the inside to the outside. Yet, writing a book based on your business can be a powerful way to expand your influence and grow your reach. It can also help to establish your authority in a saturated market whilst simultaneously helping you to rise above the competition. 

Be honest – have you ever wanted to write a book? Have you ever yearned to see your words in print? Have you ever read a book and thought, I could do better than this? Let’s face it, most of us could. I want to ask you another question – have you ever felt the fear of not being good enough to write a book? Have you ever thought – where on earth would I start? 

Let me tell you, you are not alone. Every writer, no matter how successful, has felt the same fear. What differentiates a potential author from an author? The answer is simple – authors have taken the first step and written their book. There is a saying in the writing community – you cannot edit a blank page. Let me take that further and say you cannot publish a book that hasn’t been written. 

If you want to know how Wendy moved from unpublished author to best-selling author and industry expert, President of the Scottish Association of Writers, CEO of a writing academy and acclaimed industry expert, watch this precious HeartPowered Speakers Community call with her as she discussed:

— Her author journey and how she got started
—From idea to page – getting started as a writer
— Using your industry as a springboard
— How your book can help establish your authority
— Reaching best-seller status and how this can help your career.

You want to know more about Wendy? Here you go…

Wendy H. Jones

Wendy H. Jones is an international best-selling, award-winning author of five book series – The Detective Inspector Shona McKenzie Mysteries, Cass Claymore Investigates, Mysteries, The Fergus and Flora Mysteries and the Bertie the Buffalo picture books. Her international best-selling Writing Matters series includes Marketing Matters and Motivation matters. She is the CEO of Authorpreneur Accelerator Academy, an online membership helping writers become published authors, hosts The Writing and Marketing Show podcast and is the President of The Scottish Association of Writers.


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