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Every crisis brings opportunity – interview with Tracy Repchuk

Meet Tracy Repchuk, globally successful entrepreneur, speaker and author. Amongst many, many amazing accomplishments, Tracy has achieved so many things, including prestigious awards from the Whitehouse, from the Senate, Assembly and President Obama himself. Now, she is a successful social media and marketing consultant, paving the way for entrepreneurs to achieve high levels of success in their own businesses.  

In this fabulous interview, Tracy talks about:

— Spending time making and finding intentional connections
— Leveraging tools and training that enhances skills
— Looking for ways to save money as well as make it.
— Learning where best to share your message and content – not every social media channel is equal
— How to create an online presence that gets you the results you need to succeed. 

Watch this interview now and learn from Tracy how to do all this and more to become an even more successful version of yourself!


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You are ready to speak up, scale up and make a bigger impact? But you’re not sure what steps to take next, right?  

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