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Develop a change mindset to stay on top of the game – interview with Cyriel Kortleven

Cyriel is an award-winning global keynote speaker for conferences, client events and leadership development meetings. With almost 20 years of hands-on experience in the domain of creativity and innovation, he has already inspired organisations – like Bayer, Nike, IKEA, NASA, Unilever – in 33 different countries on 5 continents.

We cover several topics as Cyriel doesn’t fit in just one box. We start out with the following topics but later on open up a special ‘Ask Cyriel Anything’ Session.

Watch this precious HeartPowered Speakers Community call with Cyriel, explore and learn:

— How to re-invent yourself by having an open-minded and flexible mindset
— First steps to become an international speaker & finding your first gigs abroad
— The importance of building a broad network. Your next speech can come from the most unexpected sources
— Bonus: Cyriel’s greatest tip to become more visible for your target audience that he learned during the pandemic

You want to know more about Cyriel Kortleven? Here you go…

Cyriel Kortleven

Cyriel Kortleven is on a mission! Boosting the creative & entrepreneurial mindset of leaders & professionals in change. He is a certified Speaking Professional and has delivered paid speeches in 33 countries and already looks back on 20 years of experience. He is author of 5 books and is receiver of the ‘Global Speaking Fellow’ award, which only 35 other speakers in the world have received.

Cyriel is the living embodiment of engagement, using a lot of interaction and humor – yes, even during online events. He is a simplifier who delivers a simple, pragmatic message and leaves his audience with helpful tools and useful language. Cyriel has already written 5 business books and his latest bookazine ‘the Change Mindset’ receives great feedback. His mantra: “Don’t mind the Change. Change your Mind.


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You are ready to speak up, scale up and make a bigger impact? But you’re not sure what steps to take next, right?  

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