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Conscious Mindset Reset work to bring your business to the next level — interview with Kristina Todorova

Our mind holds a great power, and our mindset leaves a mark on everything we do and attract into our life. Negative or positive, our outlook makes us notice certain events and phenomena, ignoring other ones. It has a great impact not only on our day to day life, but on business as well. How can we use or reset mind yo our advantage?

Kristina Todorova, an Award-Winning Coach and “Coaching for Transformers” Founder, once turned the tables and started her own journey. She learnt how to work with her mind and energy in a much more conscious and intentional way, manifesting incredible opportunities.

Discover with Kristina how:

— Bring your unique self into your business, so you stand out in your market
— Use the power of your mind to leave the imposter syndrome and self-doubt behind
— Use this practical tool to become aware and let go of any negative and limiting beliefs
— Make it easy not to get affected by negative comments about you in the public space
— Sharpen your focus to enhance your productivity
— Use storytelling to build your outstanding brand…

…and take away many more golden nuggets! 


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But you’re not sure what steps to take next, right? 


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You are ready to speak up, scale up and make a bigger impact? But you’re not sure what steps to take next, right?  

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