As professional speakers, we need more skills than to mesmerize an audience. We also need to be competent in this skillset to fill rooms, to sell products, and to get others to commit to important issues. There is a big […]
As professional speakers, we need more skills than to mesmerize an audience. We also need to be competent in this skillset to fill rooms, to sell products, and to get others to commit to important issues. There is a big […]
We are living in a loud, crowded world today. We are receiving an overwhelming offer of any imaginable product every single day. It has become very easy to sell our products to clients all over the globe. At the same time, it has become harder than ever to stand out. Branding has become an existential necessity for entrepreneurs!
Explore that topic with Anand Tamboli, an innovator, futurist, and transformation wizard. Anand helps people in leveraging emerging technologies, and in adapting, and developing an innovative mindset. Discover how:— Use controlled experimentation to keep upgrading your offer consistently— Offering new […]
Nobody becomes actively public in the media by accident. It’s really important to understand what the media is looking for and check if you can provide it. And if you can’t just yet, get ready first. how you make a […]
How do you turn a playful idea into an international consulting firm? Enjoy watching our HeartPowered Inspiring Interview with our fantastic guest, Berta Lende Røed! Berta is the Founder of FuelBox, a Relational Architect, and an international Keynote and TEDx […]
Do you want to become the Go-to-Person in your market? Let’s explore the topic with Timea Kadar in this HeartPowered Interview! Timea Kadar is the CEO of Francis Cooper Marketing Consultancy. She’s a marketing lecturer, an author, and her consultancy […]
Become the brand the customers rave about! Have you ever wondered how to achieve this goal? A hint: it’s not about the size of the business but the ambition. Wizz, the founder of WIZZ & CO, a Strategy Consulting Firm […]
Our mind holds a great power, and our mindset leaves a mark on everything we do and attract into our life. Negative or positive, our outlook makes us notice certain events and phenomena, ignoring other ones. It has a great […]
All entrepreneurs have a different approach to their success. We develop uor businesses in unique ways, but still there are some common tips which make it work. Building a business or working in a corporate world can be demanding not […]
Have you ever wondered why some people seem to charge premium prices – and achieve amazing sales – so effortlessly? — It’s not about just ‘putting up your prices’— It’s not about trying to cram (even more) value into your […]