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Become the Go-to-Person in your market – interview with Timea Kadar

Do you want to become the Go-to-Person in your market? Let’s explore the topic with Timea Kadar in this HeartPowered Interview!

Timea Kadar is the CEO of Francis Cooper Marketing Consultancy. She’s a marketing lecturer, an author, and her consultancy was awarded the best marketing mentoring services in London in 2021.

With Timea we will set a goal and follow a few valuable advices based on her experience.

Discover in this interview how you can:
– Create a solid plan to ensure that you reach your goals consistently
– Stay on track when you lose motivation
– Become a unique source of inspiration and support and the go-to person in your market
– Build a powerful network of people that share your core values
– Make the best business decisions that make you stand out

Dive right in and take away many more golden nuggets!


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But you’re not sure what steps to take next, right? 


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You are ready to speak up, scale up and make a bigger impact? But you’re not sure what steps to take next, right?  

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