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Become the brand your customers rave about – interview with Wizz Selvey

Become the brand the customers rave about! Have you ever wondered how to achieve this goal? A hint: it’s not about the size of the business but the ambition.

Wizz, the founder of WIZZ & CO, a Strategy Consulting Firm that partners with a range of clients from emerging to global brands, retailers and investors, shares her experience and values to grow a successful business.

In the interview you will find out:
– How investing in yourself helps in business-building
– How to create a bright and genuine profile to present yourself
– What it takes to establish a close and trustworthy relationships with your clients
– How to not get caught in the trap of a burnout

Dive right in and take away many more golden nuggets!


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You are ready to speak up, scale up and make a bigger impact? But you’re not sure what steps to take next, right?  

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