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Be the change you want to see, and that is no excuses – interview with Madi Sharma

Enjoy this inspiring interview of Monique with Madi Sharma, founder of The Women’s Economic and Social Think Tank (WESTT) which focuses on lobbying to raise awareness and never for commercial gain! 

She is also the author of ‘Madi, no excuses!’, and an award-winning entrepreneur! So, what can Madi teach you?! Get ready to discover:

— The 7 Madi-No-Excuses that will guide you to bring you and your business to a whole new level
— The number 1 tip in business to build long-lasting relationships
— How to keep your employees in your business long-term by being the leader that helps others step up with you
— Why the person that cleans the toilet is the most important person in a business

Let’s dive into our HeartPowered Interview! 


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But you’re not sure what steps to take next, right? 


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You are ready to speak up, scale up and make a bigger impact? But you’re not sure what steps to take next, right?  

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